The Graeae Press on WordPress

August 8, 2022: Well, another year, another book! This one is another Bobbie Geary novel, titled Alternative Universe. This is the universe she created to keep herself sane during the infamous Pandemic. It is mostly humorous, since the time of its writing was not. Please enjoy!

See the Books page for details.

July 17, 2021: Another about two years seem to have slipped by. These last two were doozys though, weren’t they? Awful politics; disastrous weather; and, if that weren’t bad enough, a viral, once in a century, pandemic.

However, we kept busy. And Origins, Volume 1 of Sentience, by Sandy Karp is done!

See the Books page for details. It was well worth the wait! Promise.

May 16, 2019: Ooops, we just don’t come here often enough, do we? But we do have news: Book 3, Partners, of the Saray trilogy is done and printed and available. Come and see (on the Books page)!

Partners Cover.jpg

We’ve been on Word Press a while. Though quietly. But we’re starting 2018 off with a bang by adding two new books: Saray (Book 1: Just A Girl) and Saraydatter (Book 2: The Next Generation). Full details are on The Books page.

Saray Full Cover
Saraydatter Full Cover

And these are the covers of the other books we’ve published since 2005:

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We also wanted to explain (since people often ask us!) how the press got its name:

In Greek mythology, The Graeae were the three elder sisters of the Medusa. Their names were Deno, Enyo, and Pemphrado. They were described as being very beautiful and very old at the same time. A wonderful and uncommon idea, don’t you think?

The Graeae by C. Parada 1989

It was also said that they shared an eye and a tooth. We took that to mean “Shared Vision” when we dreamed of starting the press. A vision with a bite, we hoped. And still do! And so began The Graeae Press

Also if you don’t like PayPal for any reason, the books are alternately available from us as described on our About page.

And if you’d like to review any of them, please do. We’d be thrilled to hear from you! Thanks.

Bobbie & Sandy

The Graeae

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